Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stormtrooper Doughboy

Has anyone ever noticed that an upside-down Star Wars Stormtrooper is really the Pillsbury Doughboy's evil father?

Tomorrow: Eye Stripe


  1. and did you know that a photo of james gurney wearing upber dork tron glasses fipped upside down looks like a stormtrooper....all the answers are coming....i think we are soon going to find the meaning of life if we countinue down this road....?......

  2. OMG that's funny!
    (I've subscribed to your blog via RSS and enjoy it so much!)

  3. "The Keebler Elf never told you about your father."

    "He told me enough! He said you baked him!"

    "No, Doughboy. I am your father."

  4. James,
    If it were not for your great ability at looking at the world with new eyes I would say that you maybe have been pushing yourself too hard lately.LOL.
    That was great, I enjoy it when people see things where others do not, It goes along with the conversation about looking at your environment in new ways.
    Did you notice the Dough Boy/ Stormtrooper connection or was it pointed out to you?
    My own children just got a huge laugh out of this post and my youngest son (Conor) just dug out his star wars toys to check it out. The smallest thing can have the biggest impact in a childs mind.

  5. OMG! that is so funny!!!!!

    thanks for the giggles!

  6. GASP. I can never look at storm troopers the same again. Wow.

  7. I hope you'll include this in your book on technique.

  8. I'm not the only sweet tooth reading this blog.

  9. LOL haha good one. :)
    You know if you take an old pic of Daisy the dairy products cow, the real pic and not the cartoon mascot, split it in half in Photo shop, copy the half, flip that and put it together and zoom in close, you can actually see a old bunny character with spectacles? I have the copy of that saved some place on a print out from my old job.
    It’s really neat.


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