Saturday, November 3, 2007

Oshkosh Opening

Today the Oshkosh Public Museum opened its exhibition of 49 original paintings from Dinotopia: Journey to Chandara.

Here’s the sign outside museum. There were also buses with Dinotopia banners, local school events, a signing at the Apple Blossom Bookstore, and reading lists at the library, thanks to the tireless organizing efforts of the museum’s assistant director Mike Breza and members of the community here in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Performers from the Cirque du Soleil were present in costumes that matched the “Liners” illustration from the Dinotopia book. Here they are posing next to the original painting “Spotters and Liners.”

The stiltwalkers made an impressive sight as they walked nimbly up and down the grand staircase, while jugglers managed up to five pins in the lobby.

Thanks to everyone at the museum and to all of you who came to say hello and have your books signed. I’m especially grateful for those of you who drove from far away to attend the opening.


  1. That looks like a fabulous show (and what a great opening!) Will it 'travel' at all? Any other locations planned in the future?

  2. Hi, Tara,
    The exhibit "Return to Dinotopia" will travel in late 2008 to the Maison d'Ailleurs in Yverdon, Switzerland. We're also talking to a museum in France.

    We have openings in 2008-2010 for other museum venues both in the USA and Europe. I would ask that any museum directors who might be interested please contact me at for more information.

    If you live near a museum that you think would be a good candidate, please put in a good word to them.

  3. I would think that our Science Fiction museum downtown Seattle would be a natural. The contact info is here:

    I'll see if I can figure out who coordinates traveling shows (they just finished a most wonderful exhibit of fantastical costumes from movies and TV...) Their temporary exhibits are usually pretty spectacular.

  4. It's so cool to see such an amazing event in Oshkosh! I grew up there and have such great memories of the Public Museum. (Especially the mummy in the basement!) I'm living in Pasadena, Ca now but my family still lives up in nearby Neenah. Wish I could get back home to see the event and get some great food! Hopefully you got to eat a brat while you visited!


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