Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ASFA Awards

The Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA) recently announced their 2007 awards, based on the vote of working artist members. Donato Giancola was the big winner, with five awards, including best hardback and paperback cover. Michael Kaluta won in the Artistic Achievement category, and Irene Gallo was chosen as the best Art Director (see her art/illustration blog here).

If you will pardon me for tooting my own horn, Dinotopia: Journey to Chandara was chosen in the Best Interior Illustration category. I am very grateful to the members of ASFA for their vote of support.

If you're still looking for that last special holiday gift for that artistic someone, you can get Gurney-signed copies of the Chandara book or the Chesley Award Retrospective from the Dinotopia Store. If you send in your check today (USA only) you should get the book in plenty of time for Christmas. End pitch.


  1. Congratulations on your horn tooting skills in interiors!
    Or something...

    Glad to see that 'retro-SF' is also considered SF and not just spaceships.

  2. Congratulations on the award, you certainly deserve it, and hopefully many more to come.

  3. Congratulations!

    My son Dan asked for Chandara for Christmas and he hopes to have you sign it when you come to our area in April.

  4. Great news! Good job. Always nice to know that your partners in crime notice and appreciate your work.

  5. congratulations james!

    and dont be self consious about tooting your own horn...your work is in my opinon beyond anything those other artists are producing, keep it up!

  6. Hey congrats on the award. It's certainly well deserved.

  7. Congratulations,

    Or in ordinary Dutch:

    Gefeliciteerd !

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Try again and miss the grammatical errors this time:

    Yes congratulations James! Unfortunately I cannot get them to send 'Journey to Chandara' to New Zealand, well only for a big postage bill, anyway...
    I expect I can get it here, but I would love a signed copy.
    Perhaps on your next trip, you (both) would like to come down to these warm antipodean Islands, sign my books and stay with me? Think 'Lord of the Rings' landscapes...


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