Friday, November 21, 2008


This little storyboard sketch from Dinotopia: Journey to Chandara is one of many that didn’t make the cut, mainly because the idea evolved from this point. At this point I thought of having a Therizinosaurus ridden by a Chandaran border guard. As I thought about the character, I thought it would be far more interesting to have a more sympathetic character connected with the dinosaur, and the idea for the retired conductor Cornelius Mazurka developed.


  1. It seems like this idea split into the brigand that takes all of Arthur's belongings and the conductor as you mentioned. I always enjoy seeing these storyboards, mostly because I never thought of their use for an illustration book like this.

  2. Awesome! I love how much thoughtfulness shows in these rough drawings. Do you think you'll ever publish a Dinotopia sketchbook?

  3. Love to see the things that did NOT make it. Often you can learn more from those...

  4. Im thrilled just to see these layouts. Nice to see the actual format used to lay out each page.

    Best Jason


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