Tuesday, January 27, 2009

From Pig to Alien

Where do ideas come from? That’s easy. Sketchbooks.

I did this sketch of a mama pig and her piglets at the county fair. What a job it must be, I thought, to nurse that many babies all at once.

Some time later I was inventing some aliens for a science fiction paperback cover. I went to my sketchbooks for ideas. The pig suggested the idea of an alien mother who gave birth to a lot kids at once. Fortunately she’s well equipped to feed them.


  1. Wow, three posts in one day? You're on fire James!

    That's a great tip for concepting alien worlds...just look at some of the common wonders we have around here, and give it a little twist.

  2. Hi James!

    Is there any chance that you like ripple chips? :)

    Great design!

  3. I would not have guessed this was one of your pics- it's pretty wild

  4. Please, please tell me there's a print available for this painting!

  5. Sorry, El Dude, not right now. But Glory Lane is reproduced in a big double page spread in Imaginative Realism.

  6. Hi!

    I really like your pig sketch, is it ok if i use for a flier i'm making? :) it'll really help a lot :D


  7. Thank you, thank you,thank you! I have been searching for the name of the book this painting is on off and on for the past 10 years. I remember the pigish lady and found it through google pic while trying to find the book cover. It is one of the best covers for a book (and the scene is depicted in the book) that I have ever seen. Thank you again!

  8. Great design! Noticing common specifications made it more accurate. Take a look at Famous Names Alien for some funny name ideas.


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