Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Woodstock 2: Characterization

If you think yesterday was scary, today was even worse! Those are taxidermy goat eyes, and horns made by Lester.

Yesterday we looked at the comparative anatomy of sheep, goats, deer and humans.

Today we brought in the model, who was directed in a half hour pose by each of the students based on their thumbnail sketches.

We set up Flynn on the C-stand in the exact angle of the model's head, so that you could see the the correct angle and lighting on the horns.

That allowed us to explore how to morph the human and sheep/goat together into a satyr.

It was fun, but challenging for all of us, because it's a different way of seeing than you usually do in art school. We were trying to observe closely, but always be guided by the imaginative ideas we started with in the beginning.

Thanks, Eric!...and forgive me for showing only my own work! Jeanette and I just didn't get photos of the student work. We'll try to remedy that next time. Tomorrow: Goat Day.


  1. The most interesting part about all this, at least for me, will be how the legs are tackled. I have a REALLY hard time getting anthropomorphized legs to look right and usually the character as a whole, especially if standing upright. More often than not, the creature always looks like they're falling over.

  2. This class looks like so much fun! If you do it again next year, or something similar, I will definitely get the time off. This year I just wasn't able to.

    Thanks for sharing the class through your blog! It is definitely inspiring me. :)

  3. That is a truly frightening first photo.

  4. That's awesome to do life drawing classes like this! Creative thinking is what art is all about imho.
    I think I'm gonna suggest this to my teacher when school starts again in september.

  5. Oh how I would love to participate in one of your classes... If you ever give a lesson in Denmark please let me know. ;)

    As always SO inspiring.

  6. Great studies!

    The idea of having the skull on the C-stand next to the model at an analogous angle, in the same light, at the same time, is really smart.

    Assuming the order of the drawings is chronological -- I like the direction you went in with these studies. While I think the goat head anatomy is interesting, when it is too dominant it gives an alien/other worldly vibe. When I think of the characterization of Pan and satyrs, I think earthy and lusty. I think you need something approaching human facial relationships to convey that randy quality.

  7. These are amazing pieces. I like the variety of satyr faces you showed. I wish I'd been able to come, it looks like so much fun.

  8. yea, what an interesting class,I love the idea , it seem so much fun , I wish i could take that course , I might prepare some similar set up , thanks for all this tips of information , by the way great sketches

  9. I'll second the remark about a class in Denmark ;-)

  10. I'm really enjoying this series. It's fascinating to see the reference and sketches coming together.

  11. Thanks for the kind words, everybody.

    Daroo, your point was so right on that because of it I changed my whole approach to the maquette halfway through sculpting it. It started out too weird-alien-goatlike, which didn't convey the earthy human drives that motivate Pan. Grazie, signore!

  12. this is really interesting ideas Jim I hope the classes go great for you...I sent you a CD in snail mail you should get it any day now. Best Dave


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