Monday, October 12, 2009

October International Artist

Check out the current October/November issue of International Artist magazine, which includes a little piece I wrote about seeing your composition in two values, adapted from Imaginative Realism.

There are also feature spotlights on Zhuo S. Liang, Randy Ford, Joseph Todorovitch, and Ann Manry Kenyon.


  1. Jim (if I may be so informal), I think your link might be broken. I could not get it to work.

    Every night I do a sketch on a toned background with only black and white to hit the darker and lighter values.

    Its obviously an old technique but very effective for quickly getting some sculptural form.

    I use it because it lets me focus on fewer issues, and the ones that I routinely botch: angle, size and position.

    I hope that those are the things you are addressing in your article (otherwise I'll feel more blow-hardy).


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