Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Formative Years

Glenn Kim is an artist at Pixar who has shaped the look of many of their films. In addition to that, he teaches art classes at Sienna Ranch.

He is especially devoted to helping high school age kids get the early experience and guidance they need. He says:

"I believe early experiences that spark a child’s imagination can influence their lives forever. I want to teach kids what I might have wanted when I was a kid, and also as a teen, when I seriously started considering what I wanted to do with my life, and I knew it was ‘art something’, but had no idea as to even what kind of artist I wanted to be."

Glenn just launched a new series on his blog GlennzArt called "Art School, I'm confident I can get there." He'll be interviewing artists working in various fields, and I was honored to be his first victim. Read Glenn's interview with me here.

Art copyright Disney/Pixar, from Sienna Ranch website.


  1. James, your painting of the diner is extraordinary. It is very clear to me that you have the "infinite capacity for taking pains" :)

  2. wow.. you did that rocking chair @ 13 ? I would have liked to have done it at 30 :)

  3. sorry for double post but i was looking over that site..I see many concept sketches start w/ a blue light pencil.
    Why do people use that?
    and where are ones available.

    question two totally unrelated... do any arists here ever ink in underdrawings? if so which ink do you use??

  4. Great interview, and it looks like this will be a fantastic resource to show aspiring artists.


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