Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jeffrey Catherine Jones Video

A documentary about the fantasy artist Jeffrey Catherine Jones is in the works. Below is a preview (which contains some artistic nudity).

I haven’t seen the finished production, but it promises to explore the life and the difficult choices faced by Jeffrey Catherine Jones. The trailer suggests the theme that art can rescue a person at difficult moments in their life, perhaps something we can all identify with.

Rebecca Guay, Mike Kaluta, Rick Berry, Mark Chiarello, and Moebius all make cameo appearances.

The film is directed by DC Comics art director Maria Cabardo, who is seeking additional financial backing to finish the project.
Link to video
Thanks, Tom Babbey


  1. The white haired artist with the dog is British artist Roger Dean, probably best known here for his album cover art for the progressive rock band "Yes". He also designed buildings, furniture and the elaborate stages for Yes' concert tours.

  2. It is not surprising that in the same moment I preordered your book, I preordered J.C. Jones new compilation (and her previous sketchbook). Her work is simply awesome and I only wish I had more clues about her technique (though it may seem quite obvious).
    In her Facebook account, she uploads a new-old piece nearly everyday, if anyone is interested.

  3. The range and depth of content you publish on your blog continues to amaze and inspire me. Thank you very much.

  4. There might be a little confusion about which video we're all talking about. The embedded video I linked to on Sunday was replaced for a while by an outtakes reel, but now I think the link goes to the regular trailer. I think Roger Dean, who Fehrtj referred to, was only on that outtake reel.

    And thanks for all your comments. From the clips I've seen of this film, I'm impressed with the support artists give each other in this business.

  5. I love her work!!! For those interested - if you go to her website - there is pictures of the process she uses in a painting. I have been following her website and ebay sales for a long time. Great stuff.

  6. Those fine art paintings shown in the trailer I had not seen before, and looked to be very well done. Unfortunate that Jones chose the path of a Frazetta imitator, but identity issues do seem to be a recurring theme.

  7. I don't consider Jones a Frazetta imitator at all! Once she started branching out into fine art - she developed her own style - please take a look at all her work.

  8. Mary,
    First and foremost, I consider it a logical fallacy that one needs to see the entire oeuvre in order to determine if Jones was a Frazetta imitator. Secondly, I don't know where one might see such a thing.

    If it's any consolation, I suspect that in terms of fine art, in my opinion those paintings that were shown in the trailer might very well surpass anything Frazetta did.

  9. You can view much of his work on her website. Also every artist can list many other artists that have influenced their style - but that does make them an "imitator". I don't wish to argue, it just seems there might have been a sneer hidden in your use of the word. If that was not your intention - then I apologize for any misunderstanding on my part.

  10. Hi James, this is a little late but I've heard a lot of painters (including Jeff, George Pratt & Justin Sweet) referring to "air" in a painting.

    From what I understand this is about the amount of distance, space and breathing room that a painting has. Like a kind of potential energy.

    Greg Manchess has talked about something similar where a still subject still has "an internal spinning." (related but not sure if its the same thing).

    Is "air" an informal term for this quality? I haven't been able to find many resources on it.

    How would you describe "air" ?


  11. Mark, I'm not sure exactly what they mean by air, but I might use it to mean atmospheric depth using layers of illuminated vapor. I guess it can also mean empty or negative space to contrast to detail clusters.

  12. I really appreciate the reply James.

    I guess it must be the empty space/lightness and the impressions you get from that.

    Thanks again!


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