Sunday, February 27, 2011

Video Game Talk

Don’t you love the way people talk when they’re playing video games?

It’s a cascade of antic surrealism, of dying and coming to life again, of hippo people and apes on go-carts trying to kill you before you can find the magic acorns.

Viewed from the outside, the player is a picture of calm focus and attention. Inside he fights to live another moment and to fly to safety on the wings of rabbit ears.


  1. I love the type as texture in the background. Reminds me of Larry Rivers.

  2. For the sake of your sanity, please don't research how people talk when playing video games online nowadays.

    These two boys in 97 are a far better picture!

  3. I think I recognized Donkey Kong Country, Kirby maybe, possibley some Pokemon..I'm definitely aware of the outsider's perspective when playing video games. My sister likes to remind me that video games aren't real when I say things like "I got a ___" or "I died". For a short time, though, you DO become your character.

  4. Love this... it's so true. I'm not a hugh video gamer what so ever-- but it is interesting to hear the comments people say (or yell) while playing, especially when you take them out of context. Veryyyy interesting! Great post & beautiful sketch.

  5. Reminds of walking in on a discussion between some of my friends who were talking about their previous night's round of Dungeons & Dragons. "So I killed three Orcs and grabbed the treasure before the Shambling Mound could get me . . . "

  6. I find it frustrating how the potential of it being a medium of story telling and tackling challenging subjects is overlooked. There is an opportunity for game directors to at last share visions and ideas through this medium (chrono Trigger, Ultima, Braid, Final Fantasy Baldur's Gate) but the majority is still ruled by throw away spurts of fun.

  7. @CraftyAndy it's just the same with books and movies. how many lame books and movies are produced every year solely for the purpose of making money? for every Elder Scrolls game there are 20 rushed movie adaptation games.

  8. This really makes me smile.

    I always get a kick out of my friend's online gaming, because she likes to wear a headset.

    No matter whether she's talking to other people in the room, or to her online teammates, it's a little bizarre for one of the groups. To each side, [hearing only half the conversation], it sounds like she's talking to herself. Both sides have to ask, "Are you talking to me?"

  9. funny!!! and dang that's a great sketch.

  10. Heh. In school I realized this somewhat applies to art as well when someone in my sculpture class said "I probably need to put a stick through my head." :P

  11. I have to admit that suffer from that kind of problem. I get lost easily when I am playing and speaking with someone. when I am speaking with someone I try to pause the game and give them the attention that they need.


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