Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What’s in My Bag?

Call it a waist pack, a belt pouch, or a man purse. But it’s how I carry around my lightweight sketching stuff.

BoingBoing founder Mark Frauenfelder asked me to dump it all out and explain each item. It's a new feature called “What’s in My Bag?”  Link to What's in My Bag?


  1. You are prepared to paint anything. I liked the Journey to Planet Earth sketchbook.

  2. I had so much fun looking through all the things in your 'man purse'! It really inspired me and I'm so going to take more supplies out with me next time (I normally have just my pencil and sketchbook). I just love the whole idea of the travelling artist :) thanks for another great post!

  3. This is an awesome "meta-post" collating all the info regarding sketching gear in one bookmark, without missing a piece of information. Bookmarking this now for reference!

  4. Very entertaining and enlightening post. I think I'll have to upgrade my outdoors sketching bag.

  5. Just the post(s) I've been hoping for!

    Is all the stuff in your bag in one big "pile"? Or is the bag subdivided in some way? Seems like there might be a lot of pawing around and time wasted searching , othewise.

  6. Tom, all the pencils, brushes, and erasers and such fit into the metal box. I've tried different pencil boxes and that one's my favorite--Got it at the Japanese bookstore in San Francisco: Kinokuniya. So there's not too much outside the box: just a paint rag, cup, knife, and sharpener.

  7. Very helpful to get your point of view and see the world as you see it...well, as you draw it, anyway. Tools say something about the person. Scary thought is we think alike in several ways!


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