Monday, October 31, 2011

Marooned House

The old house in Columbus, Ohio was once part of a neighborhood. But the other houses are all gone.

Now it stands alone. It looks out over parking lots and empty warehouses. Where once stood trees, now stand utility poles, street lights, cell towers and billboards.

Maybe it’s haunted. Who knows, but anyway, Happy Halloween!

Today, Monday, October 31, from 11-12:30, I'll be lecturing on color, light, and composition at the Canzani Center Auditorium at the Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD) in Ohio. It's free and open to the public.


  1. That's so sad! Abandoned old houses make me sad. I'm glad you captured this one in your art. Maybe it won't be entirely forgotten now.

  2. This is wonderful. Something Hopper could be proud of.

  3. It could be seen another way. Perhaps the house is the strongest of the houses that refuses to be overcome by the city around it.

    Sorry I have to miss hearing you at CCAD today :(
    Hopefully I'll get another chance to hear you speak in the future.

  4. Great choice for a halloween piece! The colours still make it feel hallowen-y to me.
    Long time reader, for time commenter.


  5. This kind of reminds me of Will Eisner's "Dropsie Avenue". It would be interesting to see what that street looked like 50 years ago, and what it will look like in another 50.

  6. Hi, my friends from CCAD went to your presentation and told me you painted the house I live in.I rent a room in the attic. I finally got around to looking it up on your blog. I must say that's a really good painting of it. It's very out of place in the big city, but it isn't haunted. lol


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