Thursday, May 17, 2012

Farm kids in Ohio

Our expedition across Ohio continued yesterday along small farm roads. We watched white-bearded farmers bringing in the hay with draft horses, then we stopped at a rural bakery for a loaf of bread.

When I sketched a pair of pygmy goats, the children came out to watch me draw and to look through my sketchbook.

All the siblings were home that day because they are recovering from whooping cough. They speak a dialect of German and only learn English when they get to school.

One setback: I lost my belt pouch and sketchbook with pencils, water brushes, and drawing materials somewhere in Ohio or Indiana. Meanwhile I'll buy new materials in Kansas City so that I can still do demos at the convention.
Addendum: It showed up! People are good. Thanks, Larry.


  1. Oh no! That's tough. But, maybe someone will put them to good use. I plan to order a Niji Waterbrush I found on

  2. I've been up and down the highway but only found 23 single shoes, half a sandwich, and the occasional bigfoot crossing. 8)
    Great to hear you were in Ohio.
    Wish I could have said hello. Good journey to you.

  3. What a great picture that is. The kids must have been thrilled (even if they didn't know who you were:) Glad your tools were returned!

  4. Hello Mr.Gurney,
    I am Benjamen Anderson. I have read all of your main Dinotopia books except for Dinotopia: First Flight. I have to save money to buy it. For me it is a honor to speak to you. I have Asperger's Syndome and my "fixation" or focus of study is dinosaurs. I greatly admire your writings and illustrations. I am sure those kids enjoyed your drawings and I hope they get better soon.

  5. Thanks for sharing such a valuable information. It’s really amazing,nice sharing it is Thanks for again sharing great

  6. It is my understanding that the Amish dislike being photographed because they have a religious issue with "making graven images" (which is prohibited in the Ten Commandments.

    It seems they have less of a problem with artists than with photographers. I have long thought that they actually make a wonderful subject for art; I really should go Google around and see whether any artists have used them as subject matter...


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