Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Best wishes to all on this Halloween.

Thomas Couture, Monk Contemplating Skull, 1875.

Ernst Oehme, Procession in the Fog, 1828


  1. So what do they do for Halloween
    in Dinotopia?

    Happy Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!

  2. Is everything OK in your part of the world seeing what Sandy did to the North East of the USA ? Hope everything is OK. Happy Halloween from France.

  3. Thanks for bringing some nice art into this spooky day.

    I like that Couture piece. Reminds me of Odd Nerdrum (or vice vesa).

  4. The hooded figures are a good reminder of the power of suggestion. It is often what we do not see that makes something scary or foreboding.

  5. Lovely choices! Thank you. Hope you stay safe this All Hallows' Eve.... :)
    (The pic choices made me think of what it used to be called.)


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