Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Illustrators Magazine

The first issue of a new quarterly magazine called "Illustrators" has appeared. Its mission is to spotlight the talents through history of the British and European illustration scene.

The issue takes a look at the hardboiled art of Denis McLoughlin...

...the science fiction comics and illustration of Ian Kennedy...

...the 60s chic of Angel Badia Camps....

....and the sensuous fantasies of Cheri Herouard.

The magazine is similar to the American equivalent "Illustration Magazine," with high quality reproductions, a mix of art and graphics, and often rare interviews. But this magazine is published by Geoff West and the Book Palace, Ltd. in London. It presents a rare opportunity for illustration fans to get to know who was working in England and Europe in the last century.

Issue 2, due in the winter, will feature David Wright, Cecil Doughty, Raymond Sheppard, and Renato Fratini, and beyond that, future issues will spotlight other greats like Fortunino Matania.

Take a peek inside with cool page-turning feature
Illustrators magazine


  1. Trout in the Milk is a great name for a band.

  2. Great Blog, very interesting, I was searching for Illustrators Magazine and found it through your pages, I publish for Peter Maddocks, Fleet Street Cartoonist, children's books author and children's film maker.

    This is my page if you wanted to check it out! http://publishedbyme.blogspot.com


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