Saturday, November 10, 2012

Four Videos

Here are some videos that I thought you might enjoy.

(Video link) When you see a black and white image, is it a black and white image of a color scene, or a color picture of a scene that really is black and white? 

(Video Link) Chris LaPorte describes how he created his epic pencil portrait of a marching band.

Thought of You - Making Of from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.
(Video Link) Animator Ryan Woodward discusses the inspiration and the making of his short film "Thought of You." If you haven't seen the original film, you can see it at his website. Thanks, Melle Ferre.

(Video link) The story of recreating the circus poster that inspired John Lennon to write one of the great songs on the Sargent Pepper's album. Link to the video here. Thanks, Roger.


  1. These videos are great inspiration James. Thanks a lot.

  2. I come away from your blog enriched every time. Thanks James.

  3. Thanks a lot, Jim. Wonderful, all of them!

  4. James, Always alway, your blog is about true art, which I define as the natural love that people feel for doing things with their hands and their imaginations. Each of these three videos is right at the very center of that. Thanks.

  5. Jim, Thanks for all of these. I've sent the link for the Lennon poster video to my wood engraving and letterpress friends.

  6. Chris LaPorte seems like a great artist of the face - not just drawing it, but thinking about it an describing it - "if they may have a brow that is brooding, I open it up!" and using his own face expressively.
    Interesting observation about the blurriness and not-thereness of the image reflecting the imperfect memories of his grandfather. And his observations of how the photo recorded the band members' attempts to consciously present themselves in various ways while involuntarily letting slip their true natures.

  7. Truly inspiring videos! Thanks for finding them and sharing! And loved seeing your wip in " along the old post road' .

  8. Hihihi, "Sargent Pepper" was an artistic typo?

  9. Thank you mr. Gurney, these videos gave me so much joy to watch. (:

  10. I'm a huge fan of Ryan Woodward, I love his short film, Thought of You. One of the most underrated animators out there!


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