Thursday, May 23, 2013

ImagineFX's Top 100 Artists Poll

ImagineFX magazine will publish its 100th issue this August. In seven years it has become the #1 magazine for the art of science fiction and fantasy.

To celebrate the occasion, the magazine is conducting a poll to pick a favorite from a list that it compiled of 100 top fantasy artists.

Anyone can vote by following this link.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of great artists that IFX inadvertently overlooked when they made up their list, such as Rebecca Guay, Robh Ruppel, Omar Rayyan, John Berkey, Alan Lee, Nathan Fowkes, Jeff Jones, James Bama, Paul Tobin, Petar Meseldzija, John Jude Palencar,  Peter de Seve, Jaime Jones, P. J. Lynch, Paul Lasaine, Scott Robertson, Michael Kaluta, William Stout, Al Williamson, Richard Corben, Leo and Diane Dillon, Travis Louie, Kirk Reinert, Francois Schuiten, Kinuko Kraft, Steve Hickman, Jordu Schell, Rick Berry, and Greg Broadmore to name just a few that come immediately to mind. No matter how large you make these lists, and how many people you have doing it, important names accidentally get left off.


  1. Impossible to choose I tell ya... impossible!

  2. Haha, even before I opened the list of names, I knew who I'd be voting for.
    There's a lot of artists on the list I've been a big fan of for many years and who have been influences on my own work, but when the poll says 'Choose the best fantasy artist', the answer is Frank Frazetta.

  3. Well, well... many names that should be on that list were left out. But really, Alan Lee? What with "The Hobbit" trilogy being everywhere, and if anyone didn't know of him and John Howe before, then the LotR Trilogy should have...
    ...but oh well. Like I said, many names that should be on that list are left out, as I can see only from your recounting of many of them. Most of them make me blink, how could they be missed? Well, it might be me that is biased. But to miss Alan Lee... honestly, now.


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