Monday, April 28, 2014

Final day at the Portrait Conference

On the final day of the annual portrait conference, I sketched Robert Liberace and Rose Frantzen as they painted a two-hour head study of a bearded model. 

Scott Burdick shot this quick video of the action. (Direct link to video)

Rose worked with incredible energy, beginning the painting with a phthalo green oil crayon. The strong color kept flooding into mixtures as she went along. 

She's impetuous, dynamic, and experimental, very exciting to watch. She and Robert Liberace got great results, but I failed to take a photo of their paintings. Can someone send me scans of the finals?
Rose Frantzen
Video footage provided by Scott Burdick
Portrait Society


  1. Great sketch! It was fun watching the video too! Thanks! ♥

  2. Nice Video.
    The soundtrack bears some ZZ Top resemblance. Just fits the bearded model:-)


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