Saturday, September 5, 2015

Mahogany Dinosaurs

Brent Smith is a sculptor from a small town on the Arkansas-Oklahoma border who makes dinosaurs out of mahogany.

According to blog reader Judy Maurer, "Each piece is carved from wood and then assembled. There is a steel cable that runs through the vertebrae that is slightly flexible but not visible."

"He is a completely off the grid artist and (according to his wife) this is the first time the work has been out of their den."


  1. Mahogany is certainly not the obvious medium to recreate the complex forms of a dinosaur skeleton. The straight cuts of the table saw won't help you, it's all carving, sanding, shaping. Perhaps it is precisely this challenge accepted by the artist that makes the sculptures so fascinating and unique. A human skeleton realized in mahogany would be equally arresting to see. Maybe even more so since it could be full scale. I'm glad the artist came out into the light of day to exhibit his work.

  2. those are wonderful! he did an amazing job with the wood :) would be something I would love to have but I think the dog would spend all day barking at it :p


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