Tuesday, October 8, 2019

I Rub Out a Painting and Try Again

The weather changes from sunny to overcast. Should I rub out my painting and chase the light? (Link to YouTube)
Grafton Street near Trinity College, gouache, 5 x 8 inches
With a warm underpainting in casein, I can rub out the gouache layer without the casein lifting up.

White gouache (gouache)
Cadmium yellow light (watercolor)
Yellow ochre (watercolor)
Transparent red oxide (watercolor)
Neutral Tint
Underpainting in casein colors

Empty watercolor tin
Pentalic Aqua Journal sketchbook
Liner brush (synthetic)
Winsor & Newton Series 995 synthetic flat brush

"Gouache in the Wild" (Download on Gumroad)


  1. A good decision - in Ireland you have always got to anticipate grey skies and rain! Are you touring Europe at the moment, or is this a one off trip? Dublin's a wonderful city.

  2. In Ireland for a family wedding. Just Dublin this time. What a great city.

  3. Fantastic opportunity, and agreed, an amazing city. I know there's beauty to be found in nothing more than the reflections of a muddy puddle, but there's certainly something to be said about European history, culture and architecture. Best wishes for the wedding, and thanks for sharing the video.

  4. Thanks for this! Nice to see that even the pros rub it out sometimes... though my rub-outs are not often about chasing effects! I wonder if there were internal mutterings when the sun came out again, haha.

  5. This seems to have a lot more paint colors than those listed. Greens? Blues?


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