Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Painting a Backlit Parked Car in Casein

I painted this casein study while Jeanette was in the market, so I had about 45 minutes.

I took a gamble on the car staying parked, and lost the gamble twice, but kept going anyway.

(Link to video)
Over an underpainting color of Cadmium Orange casein, I used Cobalt Blue, Venetian RedIvory Black, and Titanium White and focused on a simple warm/cool 


  1. Howdy, I enjoyed that. You will have to get a "Denver boot"!

  2. The paintbrushes were given a complete workout in this piece — all that scrubbing. As always, good to see someone else referring to the grocery shopping as hunting and gathering.

  3. Thank you for all your posts! Would it be possible to purchase the fabulous patch on your cap? Maria / Sweden.

  4. I really appreciate all of your demos! I have a couple of questions about how you use casein.
    Do you ever paint a painting in casein that you plan to frame and show and/or sell?
    If so then how do you frame the painting, ie does it require glass or anything special?
    Finally, if you do show and sell casein paintings what is consumer or gallery response to these paintings and this medium?
    Thank you for all the information that you provide.


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