Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Deleted Scene: Styraco Races

In 1989 I painted this 6x12 inch concept sketch of a Roman-style race event with riders on styracosaurs.

The same year I was beginning to germinate Dinotopia as a book about a partnership of humans and intelligent dinosaurs. With that concept in mind, the sketch hit a snag. No matter how I looked at it, the sport seemed insanely reckless. So it ended up on the cutting room floor.

Tomorrow, don't miss the first of a four part series on animal characters.


  1. Wow. That would have been awesome! A total Ben-Hur scene!

  2. Chariots. You need chariots, then you've got it.

  3. It sounds like something they'd do in Halcyon.

  4. Yeah, that pylon made me think Ben Hur too. Somehow I don't think this looks any less reckless than the Ring Riders... they're STANDING on the backs of the dinos -I would think sitting behind the frill of a Styracosaurus would be pretty safe in comparison. Just think about what us crazy humans do, running through the streets ahead of raging bulls, swimming with sharks... I would in fact expect there to be daredevils in Dinotopia. Thanks for the look behind the scenes.

  5. 1989 was before Fear Factor and extreme sports. The Skybax riders seem to embrace recklessness to a greater degree than these styraco racers.

  6. Are you saying that intelligence and insane recklessness are mutually exclusive?
    It's a cool painting even though it didn't make the cut!

  7. OK, I get the message! I should have kept it in. Dinotopians are insanely reckless all the time, now that you mention it--flying on skybaxes, heading into T.rex country for medicinal herbs. Let's not tell them about bungee jumping or group skydiving, because they're likely to try it.

  8. I think your initial decision was probably a good one. Those dinos look like they'd be awkward runners with their massive, highly placed haunches. I imagine they'd look like bears at full speed, and bears don't look like they'd be any fun riding unless you enjoy tossing your lunch.

  9. I got it, Authur Denison goes bungee jumpming from a sky gondola. Oh yeah!

    Do you make many Dinotopian paintings that never get published?

  10. Hello Jim:

    After seeing this one I would have to say that you ought to publish a set of "unpublished" drawings and paintings concerning Dinotopia. I would leave the bottom of the page blank along the reader to write in their own story using your drawings as inspiration. You also ought to have the medical team cart on the next page after the race page. Ben Hur shows what happens when you fall off!

    Mike B.

  11. It would seem that races with lighter, faster dinosaurs would be more apropos, much like harness racing, but it still looks damn fun. Isn't that what racing is all about? Dangerous, reckless fun. Not only that but if the dinosaurs are more sentient, rather than simply being living vehicles, their participation would up the stakes so to speak.

  12. Excelente!!!!!

    Felicitaciones por tu arte colega!!!!!

  13. Yes! Publish your unpublished paintings!


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