Monday, March 24, 2008

Sketchbook Scrapbook

Why leave the endpapers of your sketchbook blank when you can fill them with ticket stubs?

Life, you might say, consists of all the dull moments suspended between the Midsummer Night’s Dream, the Hot Rod Motor Jam, and Flubber.


  1. nice. reminds me a bit of passport stamp collecting.

    i stick these sorts of mementos in my photo albums.

  2. I usually stick these things IN my sketchbooks. It's a handy way of dating the work and remembering where your head was at.

  3. cant forget chinese cookie fortunes, and tea bag tassels ...

  4. I've got a big collection of tickets and stubs, and wanted to actually put them on canvas and paint something simple over them. I also used to create dust jacket-like covers for my school diaries back 'in the day' :}

  5. Oh, I remember the Red Rose catalog! I'd forgotten it. Thanks for the lingering nostalgia, I do miss that catalog now that you mention it. Isabella just isn't the same thing. And I keep a scrapbook of images and things, or I did for 20 years but since the kids I've gotten behind (and have a big box of clippings!) PS Do you have a spare red rose catalog... lol


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