Wednesday, July 30, 2008

ABC: University

On Wednesdays we share in a group sketch game called "Art By Committee." I give you an excerpt from an actual science fiction manuscript and you come up with a picture to illustrate it.

I always try to stump you with a tough one. This one was, "It seemed as if the whole damned planet was a university." As always, you rose to the occasion with some creative solutions.

…and the one from the original sketchbook, a group effort of artist friends at a coffee shop.

Here’s next week’s quote: “His left eye was swollen shut.”Please scale your JPG to around 700 pixels across and compress it as much as possible. Title it with your name, send it to: jgurneyart(at), subject line ABC, and let me know your blog or website if you want me to link (even if you gave it to me before). Please have your entries in by next Tuesday at 10:00 AM Eastern Time USA.


  1. Great stuff! I had to miss this one- I was actually At a University playing a plant monster in a VERY low budget Sci-Fi film. The budget mostly consisted of me buying Gatorade for the crew.

  2. Antonio gets the biggest chuckle from me this week, but these are all great!

  3. I love the one from Michael Geissler. There's a certain surreal atmosphere to it. :)

  4. The ABC sketchbook reminds me of the "Waiting for Food" drawings of cartoonist Robert Crumb. They are all done in restaurants on the back of placemats while he waits for his meal to arrive. There are several collections of books of them.

    (see )

    I like the sketchbook idea better, though. I always end up spilling food or drink on my placemat drawings.

    Although, my kid and I used to do placemat challenges to one another: "Draw an animal that is half duck, half cow." They always tried to stump me by throwing a platypus into the mix.


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