Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Art By Committee: Goggles

Wednesday is the day for our group sketch game called "Art By Committee." I present an actual excerpt from a science fiction manuscript and you illustrate it.

This week’s challenge about goggles and a dust storm got you going in a lot of unexpected directions, with different concepts of character, story, and mood. Nice work, everybody. Click the images to enlarge, and follow the links to learn more about their creators.

And the one from the original sketchbook.

Here’s next week’s quote: “What surprised me was that I didn’t feel apotheosized, or transmogrified. Didn’t feel like much of a god. I was at the beginning of some process. Eons of further development lay before me, a…”

I hope you have fun with it. Please scale your JPG to around 700 pixels across and compress the heck out of it. Title it with your name, send it to: jgurneyart(at), subject line ABC, and let me know in your email if you want me to link to your blog or website. Please have your entries in by next Tuesday at 10:00 AM Eastern Time USA.


  1. What a fantastic collection, not to forget the caricature of your good self too! This has become quite a phenomenon, with comics as well as the usual one-piece artwork. I love the different takes from humorous to whimsical.
    Work and an open day have been keeping me busy these last few weeks, but I look forward to getting back into the ABC groove soon. Take care!

  2. I like the ideas of the dust storm being caused by the broom or the car. Very original takes.

  3. This is my first visit to your blog. This "Art By Committee" is a great concept!

  4. Silvina, I'm glad you enjoyed this game. It all started with an old sketchbook of mine that had scraps from science fiction manuscripts pasted inside it. I brought it to coffee shops while having lunch with art friends, and Jen Z (comment above) suggested the idea of turning it into an internet invitation. Andy Wales, also above, does similar games with his high school art students.

  5. Thanks James!
    I really enjoy ABC. The prompts allow an artist to dig deep for the twist....
    And look how it's growing!

    BTW, I dig the "goggled" profile picture!

  6. Thanks for your comment concerning the car Andy. I enjoyed your take too. Very cool way of teaching some scientific information. Been enjoying your other recent submissions as well, along with everyone elses of course. Great ideas.
    Looking forward to future T.A.I.L.S. tales.

  7. Thanks, Rob. The "prequel" to that T.A.I.L.S. strip is here:

    When I was a kid, I used to love books like The Borrowers, Mouse and the Motorcycle -- that made you think about what this big world would be like from the perspective of someone that small. A car peeling out would be a major force for them.


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