Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Art By Committee: Roasted

Wednesday is our day to have some fun with sketching game called "Art By Committee." The challenge is to illustrate an actual quote from a science fiction novel.

This week’s quote about a narrow escape from being roasted called to mind all sorts of images, from marshmallows to dragons. Each one has its own flair and shows how differently our imaginations work.

…and the sketch by Jeanette, me, and a couple friends.

I wonder what strange and wonderful stories lurk beneath the surface of next week's quote: “The man looked bored.”
Please scale your JPG to around 700 pixels across. Title it with your name, send it to: jgurneyart(at), subject line ABC, and let me know in your email if you want me to link to your blog or website. Please have your entries in by next Tuesday at 10:00 AM Eastern Time USA.


  1. I knew there was going to be marshmallows somewhere there. It was one of the first ideas that popped to my mind as well. :) Excellent works this week!

  2. I think it's a snarking good bunch of entries myself-

  3. Snarking fun! Roberta's Marshmallows were my favorite.

  4. Roberta and Arthur get the biggest chuckles this week. I never in a million years would have thought to make anthropomorphic marshmallows for this one. The cookies crack me up too. "Not the gumdrop buttons!"

  5. I wonder if someday the author of the original book will stumble upon these illustrations of his line and say, "What the hey! That's my snarking line!"

  6. Andy, I clipped these out of dozens prepublication science fiction and fantasy manuscripts over the years. I have completely forgotten which ones they come from, or even what was the context in the original stories. The excerpts are so brief and out-of-context that I presume that the original author, if they chanced on a familiar line, would be surprised at how wide open the interpretations can be.

  7. What a fun activity! I've been a bit out of the loop from interwebland due to moving and it seems I'm a bit late to catch this newest challenge, but I shall certainly have to tackle the next! Some wonderful entries being posted here.


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