Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ABC Collier Brothers

Wednesday is the day for our group sketch game called "Art By Committee." Usually I offer an excerpt from a story, but this time I challenged you to imagine the “Collier Brothers” based on their business card. The solutions show some real imagination about the brothers and their business. Here’s what you came up with:

And the one from the original sketchbook.

Here’s week’s quote:
Have fun! Please scale your JPG to 700 pixels across and please compress it as much as possible. Title it with your name, send it to: jgurneyart(at), subject line ABC, and let me know in your email the URL of the link to your blog or website if you have one (even if you gave it to me before). Please have your entries in by next Tuesday at 10:00 AM Eastern Time USA.


  1. these are great! please do another business card soon!

  2. I liked this challenge. I imagined the duo as father and son, the card didn't specify.

  3. Mr. Gurney,

    I just found this blog a week ago and I'm extremely happy I did. The tips and ideas are great and I've been sitting in front of my computer for hours on end trying to read all the blogs and take in all the information I can. I took illustration for 4 years and am attempting to become a full time artist though it doesn't seem like I can ever get enough steam behind me, or catch a break.

    I was wondering if you would write a blog about different ways to create quality reproductions of artwork, the expenses of reproduction, and maybe how you do it.

    I look forward everyday to reading your new blogs and am planning to participate in your "Art by Committee" project.

    Thanks for all your info and blogs.


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