Saturday, January 31, 2009

James Gurney’s Hanging

An exhibition of original artwork from Dinotopia: A Land Apart from Time has opened at the Rhinebeck Savings Bank in New York, where it will continue through February 20.

The Gazette Advertiser quoted the bank’s publicist as saying about me: “He’s been hung all around the world.”

So, if you can, please come to my hanging. And if you want to put a piece of original Dinotopia on your wall, have a look at my original art blog to view the works available for sale.


  1. that title makes me uncomfortable, haha.

    so your selling orginal artwork at the bank...dang these are rough economic times, haha, whats next a book signing at the local dunkin doughnuts, haha!

    just kidding, these are great peices, i was wondering what happened to the original art that was being sold on the gallery one website, looks like you have a few here.

    i'm saving up, and one day i will have a original james gurney dinotopia artwork, i garuntee! but it proably wont be until your show at the mcdonalds at the end of my street!! haha!!

    ps, i hope you will keep updating your new blog with other art for sale, outside of the awsome dinotopia stuff!

  2. Ohh, if I had the money, 'Escape to the sea' would be mine. All mine.

  3. Yes, frame him, nail him and hang him for the public to see!

    From what I can see, you added some text to the drawings, and included that in a bit of complex mat cutting? Is the text the handwritten text from the books?

  4. Hung all over the world! Are you an outlaw or what? Like in the Good, The Bad and the Ugly, the latter was hung all over the west. ;-)

  5. Never mind my question. The other blog gave the answer.

  6. Jim,

    Your next show should be in Placerville, Ca. It's nickname is
    " Hangtown" as the locals had a taste for public theater. Its also the home of Thomas K.....

  7. The show looks great -- I really wish I could go see it in person.

    I don't usually think of matted artwork with oil paintings -- but I think it was an excellent choice. It really follows through thematically from the books and gives the air of pieces on loan from a natural history museum.

    Congrats and good luck with the show!

  8. I wish I could be there. Good luck with the show!

  9. LOL ~ rather shocking to be hung all around the world!

  10. 'Well hung' has a very flattering denotation in Au!!!!

  11. Puns make life so much sweeter. I must say the works look nice against the warm brick wall.

  12. I am more interested in an original Gurney plein air painting or small watercolor study. I imagine that would be more affordable than a Dinotopia piece and delightful to study from.


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