Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mazza Summer Conference

Since its inception in 1982, the Mazza Museum of International Art from the Picturebook in Findlay, Ohio has always been devoted to its mission as a teaching museum.

For schoolchildren, artists, teachers, and librarians, it’s a pilgrimage destination. Above: Raul Colon.

Students at the adjoining University of Findlay can earn a degree in children’s book illustration and can work at the museum on an internship.

Over the years, Mazza has invited over 300 children’s book artists and authors to visit and speak. Every summer the museum invites about 15 picturebook artists to a weeklong conference attended by a few hundred librarians and teachers.

I was privileged to take part this year, along with Peter Brown, Raul Colon, and Keith Graves (above), and M. Sarah Klise, Will Moses, Jan Wahl, Bruce Langton, Julie Downing, Stacey Schuett, Brian Pinkney, Grace Lin, and William Low (not pictured).

Peter Brown shared how he was inspired for his recent book The Curious Garden.

Each of us gave a visual presentation and a workshop session to a smaller group. Hey, that's blog commentator Steve Gilzow in on the right! Good to meet you, Steve.

Thanks to all the staff and volunteers at Mazza and the conference attendees for such a memorable time.

Conference information and full list of 2009 attendees, link.
Daily blog from this week describing each of the presentations, link.

1 comment:

  1. It was a real treat to catch your presentation, visit with you and Jeanette, and view the collection at Mazza. Without this blog, I probably still wouldn't know such a rich resource exists just an hour and a half from my house. I'll be stopping by Mazza again in the future.


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