Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Woodstock 3: Goat Day

This morning, Billy the goat from Southlands Foundation Farm climbed into Trusty Rusty and rode with us to the Woodstock School of Art where he served as the star model for the goat half of our Pan characters.

Clockwise from lower left: Billy enjoys the attention from David and Eric, Billy checked out Shawn Field's computer, Eric Millen built up his Sculpey Pan figure maquette, and Shawn and Michael Marrocco worked out their character concepts.

Christina Neno showed the relaxed style of maquette building, while David Troncoso sculpted away with Flynn nearby for reference.

Left to right: Lester Yocum came up with an awesome matronly female Pan character, which he sketched on a board and sculpted in 3-D; As David worked, Jeanette (in background) watched Billy, who stayed on his tarp indoors because it was pouring rain outside; Michael gets the Hero's Badge for doing the end-of-day cleanup.
Thanks, Lenny, for letting us borrow Billy!


  1. Hey James,

    Ive really enjoyed these post. Wish I could attend something like this. Looks like allot of fun.

    Best Jason

  2. Thanks, Jason. Great to hear from you. We're sort of test driving this idea for a workshop. I'm sure there will be future opportunities. It would be fun to work with you, and I'd love to pick your brain about palette arrangements.

  3. And to think I had concerns about who would do the goat wrangling. Billy seemed to be a pretty calm guy.

  4. Looks like fun....and informative... Is your book still due out in september?

  5. To those who have second thoughts about teachers that bring live animals of The Larger Kind into a classroom: I've experienced them here in Belgium as well, and I can assure you, they are quite harmless...
    The animals, that is.

  6. As a more serious comment.
    I noticed that student Lester has changed quite a few features of his character from drawing to maquette.
    You can almost sense the process, which (so I imagine) could be the most important lesson learned from this workshop.

  7. Fantastic photos of our group! I can't believe I didn't know about your blog until this week... I'll be following it regularly in the future!

  8. The process was amazing. As we worked in class, our subjects begain to take on a life of their own. We called my maquette "Doris". She now has jewelry (thanks, Maureen) and other refinements. I'm eager to get her portrait done and posted.


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