Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Digital Bathroom Reading

Blog reader and illustrator Lawrence Roibal sent these visual commentaries on this morning's post.

He added: "It is fun to think what environmental designers will come up with to solve some of the issues people will obviously miss about the loss of print."
Visit Lawrence Roibal's non-print universe at his blog or his illustration website.


  1. haha, great post!

    also i'm not sure if anyone has heard of
    you enter the blog you want to keep up to date on then it texts your cell phone when the blog has a new post.

    awsome stuff for keeping up with the "Gurney Journey"!

    but i wasnt sure what to do when i got a text saying "digital bathroom reading"?

    and as james has written before he has a bit of a sleeping problem and blogs between 4am and 6am somtimes, my phone has a fart sound effect when i get a text message, so at 435am this morning, i awoke to a loud fart, it was dark in my room and i thought my house was being broken into by a person with a gas problem....

    anyway, thought that would be a good story to go along with this "bathroom" humor post....

  2. I could live with these concepts. Outstanding entry.

  3. well ive gotta be honest, ive always wanted a computer in my bathroom....

  4. I actually believe we will see an increase of ideas when print medium gets outdated. I personally find many of my best ideas while being occupied in the bathroom :)


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