Thursday, September 24, 2009

Parakeet Artist

I'm proud of Mr. Kooks, my budgie. But I didn't expect him to upstage me.


  1. Well heck if it worked for a parakeet, I'm sure it will work for my poodle..... Looks like I'll have to get more copies now.

  2. I wish I had a bird like this!!… 

    These videos are truly excellent!

  3. Confirmation: You are a total nut. Well done. I remember you concepting this video in class. You pulled it off well. Great imagination.

    May your book sell millions!!!

  4. These videos are a proof that total nutiness is a major key to a creative imagination.

  5. could someone remind me which one is mr kooks? haha!


  6. Don't know why you didn't expect Mr. Kooks to upstage you, he always has before.

    One technical question, is that a Dixon Ticonderoga #2 pencil he's using?

    Great ad!

  7. Beautifully funny and imaginative. Mr Kooks is a great sidekick for you.

  8. These videos are so much fun.

    Was that an actual printed copy of the book in your hand? Does that mean they've arrived and are shipping soon?

    Send mine first please. :)

  9. Thanks, everybody.

    Mike--actually the book was a mockup. Right now I've just got a few advance review copies, but I'm hoping our full shipment will come within the week. I'll let you know when they arrive.

    Steve--Kookie was using a Quill brand pencil, though I love the Ticonderoga you showed him using in that gorgeous watercolor you did, which I have hanging in the studio. Thanks again!

  10. Man, I'm loving your media blitz. You should come out with a book more often so I can watch more goofy videos. (:P

  11. Given that the Hartz Mountain record was geared to teaching "normal" parakeets to talk, it's surprising Kooks went along with it. Of course, with your "scratching" turntable moves, you kept him guessing on the rpms, which probably helped him stay interested, as well as speaking
    v e r y
    s l o w l y.

    And duh, I should have known a bird would use a Quill brand pencil. Just as Kooks insists on Talon zippers, exclusively. Though the zipper on the hat of the gentleman on the cover of Imaginative Realism appears to be more sinister than Talon.

    Loved the visual pun in "he picked up drawing."

    Thanks for the kind words, Jim.

  12. OMG THAT WAS HYSTERICAL!!! wow, amazing. thanks!!

  13. Now there is a trick that ought to be required to be taught to the Service Dog in Training my family raises! Drawing pictures for people with disabilities...

  14. Ha ha! Wonderful! I'll have to get my keets' opinion on it! :D

  15. Haha!!
    i wonder...
    can i expect some success for my sister's rat?

  16. Oh man, I have 7 budgies! I've got it made!!

    But seriously, I love you so much right now. I already loved Dinotopia as a kid, but I adore budgies and I can't help but admire you more for having such excellent taste in pets.

    Definitely going to pick up the book now, earliest chance I get!


  17. thaily........ Better pick up a copy of the book for each of your budgies too, lol

  18. I don't have a parakeet, but I'd like to get my gerbils interested in drawing. I suppose your book could be helpful, but I'm a little afraid they'd simply shred it for nesting material.

  19. Oh yes, my chihuahuas are gonna be rich! ;)


    When the book comes out, I'm definitely going by Books-A-Million to check it out, then when I get the money, I'll order a signed copy from the Dinotopia store.

  20. That was wonderful - so glad that Mr. Kooks "picked up drawing"!

  21. My mom raises budgies. Why, with these techniques I could build an entire animation team! Then we can oversaturate the market with traditional 2D animation again! Yes, it could work...

    Excellent video once again. My fellow artists in the studio here got a kick out of it too :D


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