Sunday, May 16, 2010

Monge's New Blog

Whimsical portraitist to the faerie world, Jean-Baptiste Monge has been posting on his blog about his work since he moved to Montreal, and he mentioned some of my monkeybusiness on yesterday's post.

Check out his website, which has a French version and an English version if you scroll down and click the link.


  1. The link to the English site takes one to the French site...

  2. As a great fan of your work since first seeing 'Dinotopia' in the Smithsonian magazine, I just posted on my blog about you and, to my delight, found your blog. All links come back to you.

    all the best,
    Amy Lilley

  3. Thanks, Amy, that's really nice!

    Terry, you're right, I guess you have to just go to the bottom of the French version and then click over for the English.

  4. Ah, Jean Baptiste is one of my favorites. His work is certainly a wonder for the eyes and the imagination.

  5. I've always loved this style of work. Not crushing the energy of the initial drawing has been giving me breath my whole life... lovely.


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