Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Godson’s Folly

Chapel Street leads up to the hilly neighborhoods above Bantry in County Cork. The road is hemmed in by 12-foot walls of rock, topped with ivy.

The road was created by a fellow named Godson, who wanted to provide a convenient route for customers to get to his hotel in the town below.

At great expense, Mr. Godson hired a team to dig with hand tools through the solid rock. The expense proved too great for Godson, who went bankrupt. Ever since, Chapel Street has been known as “Godson’s Folly.”


  1. I really enjoy these travel sketches-I get to travel too:)

    I am curious to know how long it takes you to complete this type of sketch given the size and the guess that you painted it on site.

  2. Thanks, KMB.
    Libby, yes, this was done on a narrow sidewalk below the rock-cut walls. I had to lean to the side when big trucks went by.

    The sketch is in watercolor in a Moleskine 6 x 8 inch watercolor book. I used mainly ultramarine and raw sienna. It took about an hour and a half.

  3. You have really caught the effect of bright sunlight reflecting off the buildings. Wonderful!

  4. Very inspiring. I'm curious as to what steps you use, is there any "inactive" time when you wait for the washes to dry? I have an ambition to learn watercolor painting, but I often mess up my plein air attempts because I'm too impatient (and because I spend to much time thinking about hue and not enough on value, but that's another issue).
    Also, how did you find out the entertaining story about the street?

  5. I love your travel watercolors, too. The dark shadows under the cars give the feeling of strong light. You get such a sense of distance and depth into such a small space. Inspiring.

  6. After another look, I see those shadows under the three cars are three different values, dark, medium, and light for near, middle, and far. It's those little but powerful details that put distance into the painting.

  7. Love this sort of 'quickies. Thx Mr Gurney!

  8. cool my parents are from Bantry, been there many times and yet never heard this story, cheers and a lovely little watercolor too, ill have to try that down there someday

  9. Wonderful sketch and story. Sounds like making the watercolor was dangerous, too.


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