Monday, November 1, 2010

Finishing Lucca Demo

I painted for another two hours on the charity auction demo, here at the festival of comics and games in Lucca, Italy.

The changes are mostly corrections in the drawing: fixing the windows, and tinkering with the placement of the dinosaur’s legs.

My reference was this colored pencil sketch, and I hope to do more of these tomorrow after the rain clears.

It was a great pleasure to meet and paint next to an artist I’ve admired for many, many years, Phil Hale. He painted a whole series of images based on rubbing out of black oil paint.

Lucca Comics and Games


  1. I really like the colored pencil sketch!

  2. Can you go into more detail or provide a link about rubbing out of black oil paint? I'm intrigued by the idea as I found scratchboard/scratchplate to be one of the more interesting media I've dabbled in. Is that the idea, fill with dark and then remove lighter values?

  3. Gurney + Hale = killer combo ! I wish I was around to see it.

  4. If you don't know Hale's work, you could be excused for chuckling a bit at the photograph of him standing next to Mr. Gurney doing what at this stage looks a lot less representational than the dinosaur piece. But, I know that his painting probably ended up being something amazing.

  5. Yes, Phil covered the whole surface in black, then pressed a cloth into the surface to lift out lighter tones, then refined the shapes into faces and figures.

  6. i bet that pencil sketch is in Prague?

  7. Phil Hale's art is so dynamic! His work personifies movement!

  8. Mark--No, actually it was right in Lucca. I was told that the arch allowed cloistered nuns to travel unseen into the upper galleries of the adjoining church.

  9. Very cool. I like the Brachiosaur in modern Italy.


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