Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Marais

Around the city of Bourges, France, is a vast system of marshes and canals called the Marais. The low land has been reclaimed as allotments for gardeners, who grow swiss chard and lettuce.

Footpaths follow the canals, punctuated with pollarded willows . Pensioners walk their dogs or ride along on bicycles, greeting each other as they pass. The air is hazy, and fragrant with the smell of burning leaves.


  1. Man, I always learn something here and tonight it's "pollarded willows." Thanks for the vocabulary expansion.

  2. Its always nice to be inspired by an image to write a nice dream to share with every one on paper.

  3. "...fragrant with the smell of burning leaves." - so characteristic of countryside in the autumn, and so pleasant!

    The painting is color-wise a beautiful, balanced elaboration of a subject matter that inherently holds the danger of ending up with grey/brown mud.

  4. That landscape rendering would make Cezanne and Monet jealous.

    Seriously, I like the use of repoussoir with that limb in the foreground.

  5. Beautiful... I'm always inspired by your work.

  6. Just curious -- you're traveling in France, and yet you find a way to scan your paintings online once, twice, three times a day. How do you do it, physically-wise and time-wise? You are one busy, hard-working person.

  7. "Ah-hah!" he says. Cellphone pictures, right? Nice rez, great repro.

  8. Who is burning leaves? Who would burn leaves? Wha...? :-S


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