Saturday, December 25, 2010

Flash Mob Performs Messiah

I don’t know what would be more inspiring: to be one of the singers popping up in the mall food court, or one of the bedazzled onlookers, surprised by glory?

Direct link to YouTube video
Thanks, Bob


  1. Wow! That was fantastic! Thanks! Happy Holidays James!

  2. haha that's great!
    I wonder how many stood up and sang just because everyone else were doing it :D

  3. I love this!
    I would love to see 'the making of'

  4. A friend sent me this link to this video a couple of days ago and it bought a tear to my eye.
    Father Christmas kindly left me a copy of you Color and Light book. It is much information and lovely paintings. I shall be recommending it to my arty friends....and if they don't buy it themselves I shall give it as birthday presents.

  5. That is good. This one took place in Niagara Falls ON.

  6. Fantastic! I love this kind of thing.

    There is a group called Improv Everywhere that does a lot of really cool flash mobs. You should look them up if you haven't heard of them.

  7. This was wonderful and joyful. Even though I'm not a believer, just seeing the joy on the singers faces and the those of the people in the food court made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Thank you so much for sharing.


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