Monday, January 3, 2011

Cool Gift

One of the coolest gifts from a GurneyJourney reader was a couple of zippered pouches with this embroidered logo of the “Golden Palm.”

The GP, as it was affectionately known, was the seedy, stucco apartment in Highland Park, California, where I lived when I was a student at Art Center.

Thank you, Steve! And thanks to all you readers out there in Blogland for the fascinating links, comments, suggestions, and ideas that you’ve shared me over the last year. I’ve learned as much from you as vice versa.

I’m grateful to all of you making GurneyJourney part of your internet routine. I’ve got a lot of fun things planned for the new year, so get ready for a fun ride, especially if you’re sitting above the boiler.
Previously on GJ:
G.P. Tape Network
Golden Palm (GP)
Old Haunts


  1. NO, THANK YOU JIM for being such an unselfish inspiration. You are in very essence a TEACHER and an effective one at that. THANK YOU!

  2. Got Imaginative Realism for Christmas, and I love that I can recognize most of the entries: "I remember that blog post!"

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with all of us in internet-land. Looking forward to whatever else you have in store, though it's gonna be hard to beat whats already here.


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