Friday, January 14, 2011

Meanwhile, at the Printer

The Japanese edition of Imaginative Realism is on its way. It is being produced by Born Digital, one of the finest publishers of science fiction and fantasy art.

Here’s what the cover will look like.

And here’s some of the back cover copy.

Also, the US publisher Andrews McMeel has just announced that the English language edition of Imaginative Realism is going back for its fifth printing. Color and Light is going into its second printing, just five weeks after release. Woohoo!
Born Digital / Imaginative Realism with sample pages in Japanese
Andrews McMeel Publishing / Color and Light
Color and Light on Amazon internationally: USA | CA | UK | FR | DE | JP
Color and Light signed (and doodled in) by me, from the Dinotopia Store


  1. Congrats!

    Puzzling out reviews written in Japanese, German, and French has been a fun perk of being an author for me. Do the layouts of your books change significantly in a Japanese edition?

  2. Congrats James! I got my copy of Color and Light for Christmas and Have been eating it up ever since.

  3. Congratulations James! I have both and I'm about to buy 2 more copies for my mom who is a high school art teacher. If I were ever to teach, I would be using these as part of the curriculum. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say you are to the current art community what Pyle was to his time. Thank you for writing these and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  4. That's great news James. You worked hard and long for it, and those of us who benefit from your intellectual and artistic generosity couldn't be happier for you!

  5. YES to the above - when is the next coming out?? I've almost finished both & starting to already feel at a loss for more.

    I guess I'll just have to re-read them to keep from withdrawals!

    Good news on all the desire for your books out there in the various Artlands.

  6. I just had my copies of Colo(u)r and Light and Imaginative Realism delivered this morning. I haven't read much just yet, but I'm already planning to recommend them to everyone on the illustration course at the Cambridge School of Art, and hopefully get some copies for the library. So far, they're filling a lot of the gaps in my education, and it's pleasant to see how your work for Dinotopia is made. I look forward to finishing the books and implementing the concepts within!

  7. I got color and light for Christmas and have been trying to slowly absorb all that wonderful information and inspiration. Thanks so much for an amazing book. When's the next one coming out :-)

  8. Congratulations are in order. Being a fan of both illustration and literature, I love having your books as part of my instructional library!

  9. Thanks for your generous words, everybody. You've all been a huge help as a sounding board for all the topics in both books. The books are what make this crazy blogging habit possible.

  10. Congratulations!

    My mom actually admitted that she bought Color & Light for me for Christmas, and while perusing it before wrapping, loved it so much she had to buy a copy for herself. I let her know about Imaginary Realism, and she immediately went out and bought that one too! Sadly, I have not had time to dig my teeth into Color & Light yet, but I was almost late to work the other day because I was flipping through it. They really are fantastic.

  11. Rayford--Thanks, but all I got was Pyle's hairline.

  12. I wish my copy of IR had just the Japanese cover; the Kanji makes the whole design hang together quite nicely.

  13. The Japanese text seems to fit the front image of the alien painter much better than an the original english font.. If only we could use whatever launguage fit our illustrations the best for the project every time..

  14. Congrats...more importantly I'd like to see the Japanese edition translated back into English.

    That might be fun.


  15. That is great, and pretty amazing how fast Color and Light has gone to its second, but not surprised.

    I just received my copy a couple of weeks ago. Thank you ..thank you ..
    for the signing it and the wonderful little illustration. Am loving the book.

    And thank you for generosity and sharing your wealth of knowledge.

  16. Excellent news, indeed.

    I recently bought Color and Light (gotta love bookstore gift cards) and it's absolutely marvelous. The application of realistic and coherent color and lighting in painting was something I'd been puzzling over for quite a while, but the book gave me a wealth of information that I can't wait to apply to my own work. When I get the means, I plan on buying Imaginative Realism as well. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

  17. Congratulations! This book IS excellent. I rented it from the library and will be buying it soon.
    Epically beautiful and wonderfully educational - I feel more capable after looking at only a few pages!
    I also showed it to a friend who teaches drawing, and wants his own copy for the class. :)

  18. I have both of your books and they are excellent. I am sure they will become "classics" and will still be educating and enlightening people long after you and I are gone. Looking forward to the next book!!

  19. Both of your books are lined in my bookshelf side by side with R. Schmid, Loomis, Velázquez and other naughty guys...I am only looking forward the next one anxiously (it could be: "Destructive realism: how to pose for your reference photos and where to hide the pictures after that").

  20. I'm sure the Japanese will adore your book - I certainly do. If you put out a sequel to this book (Imaginative Realism 2?), I'll be in line to buy a copy.

  21. There is an error on the back cover copy: second line, third sign (from the left) actually says "you become a nasty dog" instead of "you get creative satisfaction".


  22. Oooh this is wonderful!!

    I hope there will be a Japanese version of Color and Light soon. I teach a painting class in Japan, and I would love to order it for my next year's class textbook!

  23. Thanks, Matthew, it would be an honor to have the book in your class. No word yet on Color and Light.


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