Saturday, March 12, 2011

Exploring Infinity with Geometric Doodles

Improve your doodling to the Nth degree by watching this video by Vi Hart.

Via Best of YouTube
Link to YouTube video
Vi Hart's Website, with other videos
Previously: Mathematical Doodling (knot theory)


  1. Hey i know her i started watching her vids a couple of months ago. very interesting things that she dose with math.

  2. Math can be fun. Who knew? This was an awesome video...thanks for finding it.

  3. Very cool. Has some MCEscheresque qualities to it.

  4. This is particularly interesting to me since I love to doodle and my son is a mathematician, or to put it in math terms, this video represents the vertex of my son and I.

  5. Thank you thank you! This bridges for me what was a strange gap- finding myself in the top 10th percentile of my province's math students in the tenth grade, only to be having a friend help me through my basic maths in grad year and barely passing. If I was able to visualize these things then it might have put me on a totally different career path! I'm not sorry, but I am going to be adding these to my warm-up exercises when I begin to make art!

  6. Ah- I was so excited by this video I wrote a blog response for today AND tomorrow. haha- i wrote the first one at and then kept going... so it's two parts. Just wanted to say thanks- I love the quality of creativity on here. I love that you were so inspiring to me as a little girl who liked Dinotopia and are so inspiring to me as an artist. Thanks!

  7. So's like looking back in time over my own shoulder in high school...but I did a little more narrative art in my math classes. Then I went on to college and started "doodling" algebraic equations and geometry in art history class. I was a strange student.

  8. Interesting video.

    Still I'm probably more interested in the way she holds her pencil.

    For that matter I've seen some pretty bizarre and seemingly unnatural ways that people hold a pencil to write or draw.

    It might be worth further exploration.


  9. when trying to copy, for example anglo saxon gospel decoration or gothic church embellisments, or islamic abstract design - once you understand the geometry behind it, rather than try to draw freehand, its a lot easier.
    I am sure the renaissance masters have a lot of this stuff in their designs too. Leonardo was obsessed with putting circles in squares, etc (please no da vinci code bs )


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