Sunday, January 8, 2012

Color and Light is a Making-a-Mark Nominee

The art blog "Making a Mark" has nominated Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter as one of the top five art books of 2011. 

Katherine Tyrrell comments: "One of the things I really like about this book is that it was conceived, written and designed by an artist who drove the production process." To which I would add, and it was hammered in the forge of blog reader's comments and input, for which I am deeply grateful.

The other nominees are:
The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain' by: Betty Edwards
Wall and Piece by Banksy
'The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance' by: Edmund de Waal

There's a poll on the post where you can vote for your favorite.
Making a Mark, a art blog that has monthly art book reviews...and 1.25 million visitors and counting.

You can order a signed copy of Color and Light from my website store. (International customers can order one as if unsigned, so as to pay the proper shipping costs, and then email me about how you want it signed)
or you can get it from Amazon or your local bookseller.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not just 2011 --- I'd call it the best painting instruction book in probably well over a decade.

    I'm partially color blind and I have become more aware of the subtleties of color now than ever before. So I can say that I am less color blind after studying this book carefully. :)

    Thanks for creating this!

  3. James, you are very modest. This is exactly the type of book I would have loved to have had when I was going through undergrad studies. With the possible exception of Andrew Loomis' Creative Illustration, I can't think of another book that is as relevant for students today as Color and Light and Imaginative Realism. I make all my students buy them both.

  4. The artist's way is a very interesting method of unleashing creativity -- but all in all, it can be replaced with "get into habit to set aside time to think about your art, ideas and influences and bind them together". I'm still very sceptical to anything that hints that god does all the work and you're just his vessel.

    Drawing with the right side of the brain is possibly the best starter book there is. I wish I had done those exercises as a kid.

    I respect Banksy, he has a place is modern art. However, his work should not be in an art book and that's the point of it.

    Haven't read the art history one, but it seems pretty good.

    Color and Light is amazing, it will give you an overview of most of how color and lights relate to each other. However, I wish the book would've been more in depth. Atleast have some of the major subjects occupy more than a spread but hey, it's a great book and it will make you go hunt for more knowledge.

    Hmm -- Color and Light is amazing and Right side of the brain has been in print for far too long now. I'd put my vote on Color and Light:)


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