Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Visual Effects on "Boardwalk Empire"

Brainstorm Digital created this video of visual effects breakdowns to show all the layers of elements that go into reconstructing a historical world on film. 

It's a good demonstration of the Emmy-award winning artistry of the people who work in compositing, an often-overlooked part of the visual effects industry that involves sophisticated judgments about edges, light, and color.


  1. Extremely cool! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Great post. Yes, often overlooked but I would think that too much exposure could ruin things for movie viewers - let fantasy reign.

  3. Wow! So many of those shots seemed like they were actually on a detailed physical set before they broke it down in the video. Amazing, thank you for sharing.

  4. Really great to see that James! Cheers for the Insight! :-D

  5. thanks for sharing what my passion is composting and matte painting nice video!

  6. These VFX were very artfully done. Unfortunately It seems that so many movies and television shows rely so heavily on the effects that they almost become cartoon-like. Many times I have been visually shaken out of a movie because the scenes have a rendered look. Perhaps it is the unfortunate result of being an artist.

    When a shot looks natural as many of these do it enhances the scene.


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