Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dinotopia Exhibit: Coverage and Fun Stuff

Last Friday,  Team USA's Snow Sculptors finished carving a Triceratops and rider outside the Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, Wisconsin, which is currently hosting an exhibit of 61 original paintings from Dinotopia.

The museum celebrated the 10th anniversary of its activity area, called the "Art Park," with cookies and Dinotopian art projects. They let patrons try on a set of special shoes with dinosaur footprints attached to the bottom so that guests could write in the Dinotopian footprint alphabet.

One visitor wrote in the guest book:
“Thank you so much for bringing the Dinotopia exhibit to the museum. These books were my life as a child. Seeing the art in person brought back so many emotions that I cried several times. I’ll be back to meet the artist."  
There are lots of activities scheduled for the run of the exhibit, which will last until April 7. I'll be in attendance March 1-4 for lectures, workshops, and gallery walk-throughs. Hope to meet you there.
Here's some of the press coverage:
There's more information at the Norman Rockwell Museum's website about hosting the Dinotopia exhibit at your museum.
Woodson Art Museum
Previously on GJ:
Woodson Dinotopia Museum Show opens


  1. I hope I'm able to go to one of these exhibits someday. It looks like a blast.

    And I'd probably end up crying, too.

  2. this looks amazing, disappointed i couldn't make it up!

    is there going to be another retrospective show this year? something closer to maryland, haha.

    would also love to see another dinotopia exhibit in the natural history museum in dc, that show was amazing! couldn't get a better location than that!

  3. SuperV: Answer is yes, there will be another exhibit closer, but I can't quite announce it yet.

    Also, there will be the Fantasy exhibit at the Allentown Museum starting this June, which will have two Dinotopia paintings in it.


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