Friday, February 24, 2012

"I Paint" by Thijme Termaat

(Video Link) Thijme Termaat took two years to develop this 3 minute time lapse / stop motion epic, where he paints a series of paintings, stepping in and out of the illusion that flows from his brush. By wearing the same shirt and holding the same pose as the camera makes big jumps in time, he appears to bring the painting along in magical leaps.
Thanks, Frank.


  1. Nice video. This artist could've made the video with a better flow and effects by using a compositing application.. but then, half of the beauty of doing it by hand would be lost, no?

  2. The beginning didn't impress me that much, but when we start to see the other paintings the video becomes really really cool. I wonder if he painted all this stuff keeping this stop motion in mind or if he's been lucky enough to make sense out of the work-in-progress snapshots he took over time. :)

  3. It's a very impressive video, but all I could think looking at the paintings was that he uses too much black and it makes the paintings look flat.

  4. Absolutely amazing, thanks for sharing this! This indeed really becomes impressive when the others paintings come in.

  5. Hope he washed the shirt during those years.

  6. Mesmerizing and inspiring.

    In comparison,I feel like a peasant, and quite happy about it.


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