Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Focus on Nature Exhibition

Focus on Nature, an international exhibition of natural science illustration, opened at the New York State Museum in Albany last Saturday. The show includes 93 images by 72 artists from around the world, this year including Germany and Thailand.  

This acrylic painting, by Tara Dalton, shows the elusive California giant salamander, which can grow up to twelve inches long, and will bark when startled.

Other art includes scientifically researched paintings of insects, plants, birds, mammals, dinosaurs, and marine reptiles. I have two oil paintings in the exhibition, Mud Trap and Elasmosaurus

The show, which happens every two years, will be on view through December 31 of this year. There will be an artist event on August 24, and a gallery tour by its curator, Patricia Kernan, today, May 1, at 12:00 noon.

You can download the whole catalog as a PDF here.
Previously on GJ: Titanoboa at FON

1 comment:

  1. thanks for providing this link james, the catalog is inspiring!


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