Tuesday, November 13, 2012

360 Dinosaur Cyclorama

Here's a full 360 degree cyclorama that puts you into a dinosaur swamp. To make it interactive, click on the image and give it a spin in either direction.

To view the image full-screen, click the arrow in the upper right hand corner. If you don't see the image, try this link.

How I did it: I used Photoshop to stitch together three of my paintings to make a 1x7 panorama (580p x 4054p) that joins back on itself. Then I uploaded the image to Dermandar.com. and copied the embed code (set for flash object) into the blog. Visit  Dermandar to browse through other digital cycloramas.

Read about historical painted cycloramas at Wikipedia/ Cyclorama


  1. I love that! Your paintings look so good full screen. This is a really great blog that I'm always coming back to.

  2. This is way cool. great painting by the way.

  3. Love it! As Simon mentioned, the effect is even more immersive full screen. I'm glad he inspired me to try that.

  4. This is awesome. It reminds me a bit of a poster I had as a kid on my wall that was a long panoramic of dinosaurs, where you just keep looking down the lengthy poster and more and more dinosaurs were shown. Awesome stuff, James.

  5. Great Cyclorama experience!
    Let me just point out two details: The "opalescence" of the dinosaur's skin colors.
    That snake on the ground, in camouflage with that broken branch, in similar cool/warm blue/orange tinges.
    Oohn, and all those plants and trees.

  6. very cool how you so seamlessly stitched together completly unrelated paintings. very very cool

    not a swamp i would want to hang out in though :)

  7. As always, very cool! Thanks for the instructions, too.

  8. LOL, enough spins and you could make yourself dizzy watching this!

  9. Hi James,

    It pretty much goes without saying that both your figures and lighting are excellent (as always) but I'm also very impressed by your foliage and forest duff! Well observed and lovingly rendered, it's obvious that you're an artist who enjoys giving his characters an environment in which to exist, and who does NOT relegate the background to the background!

  10. Thanks, Amelia, I'm honored to have such an expert set of eyes on the painting!

  11. Beautiful! Thank you for the painting, the experience, and for letting us know about this cool Flash thingy.

    It feels so 3D, even like the dinosaurs are protruding in front of the background, even though that is not the case at all. An interesting effect.


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