Thursday, December 13, 2012

Scientific American Interview

Glendon Mellow, author of the "Symbiartic" blog for Scientific American (the art of science and the science of art), has just published an interview he did with me, covering the topics of non-art jobs, blogging, maquettes, and favorite colors.


  1. Kudos on that interview James. It was very enjoyable to read, and the compliments he paid you were spot on. I agree that your breadth of interests and skills are remarkable and reminiscent of a different age (I'll mention daVinci, knowing you'll blush at the comparison :^)

    Love that Delacroix quote, by the way.

  2. Good interview.

    I enjoy the breadth and generosity of your artistic interests and musings, a wonderfully pleasant plus to your fabulous work. - mp

  3. I agree completely with interviewer. You've created an excellent blog and have become a "digital mentor" of sorts as well.

  4. Scientific American! Nice. My dad subscribed to this magazine since... as long as I can remember (since the early 1970's) and during my childhood it was always a favorite, esp. A. K. Dewdney's column, Computer Recreations. I'm frequently surprised your blog entries are so diverse and yet at the same time seemingly so in tune with my own interests! Keep up the great work!

  5. Very cool. Your enthusiasm and quest for knowledge and then to share it is such a gift.
    I had an excellent education at CCA(C) in the late 70s early 80s. (Great instructors) One of them was Gary Ruddell and he would always show us the ongoing work of a great illustrator at the time "Bruce Wolf" who's work reminds me of yours. The beautiful light.
    Thank you so much


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