Saturday, April 6, 2013

Petman the human robot

(Direct video link) New from Boston Dynamics, a human robot that walks freely and does calisthenics. The overhead cables don't hold it up; they are just for safety. Now Big Dog has someone to take it for a walk.
Via BoingBoing


  1. Almost creepy... "Westworld" is not far away.

    ..."Now Big Dog has someone to take it for a walk"

    ..and don't forget his fish...

    description of...

  2. Also interesting that in order to comment on this post about a robot, you must prove you're *not* a robot. I'm thinking that this concept will only become more important in the coming years, and that quickly...

    In the meantime, robots are forbidden from commenting on posts about robots - take that, toasters!

  3. Humm needs a loyal cat. A battle cat. ;)

  4. Fascinating. I watched the Big Dog video, and another one, called Big Dog Evolution, on Youtube, which featured soldiers with automatic rifles. is the military already behind this, or was that just for show?


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