Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pocket Easel or Monopod

The pocket easel or monopod is a clever lightweight solution for the watercolor painter or sketch-group artist who wants something more portable than a standard field easel. 
(Drawing by Jack Merriott) The paper is attached to a stiff board, which is balanced on the knees. A single strut, made from three sections, clips to the board and holds up the far side.

Blog reader Dave Rolstone has made this monopod, and says:
My Monopod was made from one leg of a very old and cheap camera tripod on which the head had broken. I made it about five years ago with the intention of taking it hiking along with a lightweight three legged stool. I’ve also used it at Life Drawing to get a low angled view. But I do prefer to stand at an easel or pochade box so I can move about and stand back.

Thanks,  Dave (and to your wife for modeling its use)
The idea comes from Jack Merriott's 1973 book Discovering Watercolour: A Comprehensive Home Study Course
Here's a more standard metal watercolor field easel.
Previously on GJ: Merriott's Railway Posters


  1. Not sure how to include images but I have a home made Monopod and will send you images of it if you tell me how.

  2. Journeyman, you can attach images in an email to me. The email address is at the bottom of the lefthand column of the blog.

  3. It looks...extremely rickety, especially since it relies on the painter's knees as support. I wonder if there are any stories of people tilting the painting inadvertently with their knees, or worse, accidentally losing their painting from too much shifting about.


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