Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Talking Portrait: 17th Street Locos

In 1981 I drew a portrait of two guys on the Santa Monica pier, then asked them to describe themselves into a tape recorder.

(Video link) For the first time, their faces and voices are brought together in a talking portrait.

Thanks to Mark Frauenfelder of BoingBoing for spotlighting this post.


  1. What on earth does, "two spoke down" mean? I assume it's something about spoked wheel rims...

    Any ideas?

  2. Man! that was great! I always wondered what happened to those two Vato's. I guess "Froggy's" still in SM, one way or t'other.
    Great post "Li'l Jimi."
    Oh, and happy birthday to Willie, (I still owe you for that burger at the Palomino). -RQ

  3. Was that a cool sketch or what? It reminds me of The Artist's Guide to Sketching, That goes way back.

  4. I really enjoyed this combination of word and image. Thank you!

  5. Outstanding depiction of Mitchell and Froggy...Froggy said he had a 69 Caprice "TRU SPOKED" down..(manufacturer of custom wheels ) great to see this art 36 years later...

  6. What a great depiction of Mitchell and Froggy...nice to see this art 36 years later...Froggy had a 69 Caprice with "Tru Spokes"(name of custom wheel manufacturer )..not 2 spokesp.it was hard to understand Froggy when he was buzzed

  7. Sergio, thanks, that's awesome, I appreciate the clarification. It sounds like you knew them. Wonder how they're doing?


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